Fee Nicks Massage Therapy
Fee Nicks Mobile Therapeutic Massage in your home


Welcome to Fee Nicks!

Do you think that tight shoulder (or hip etc) you've been living with since a time you can't remember has to be that way forever?  There really IS a possibility that it might be become less tight and more flexible. Through my studies at Cortiva Institute I am amazed at the changes in tight muscles when they are appropriately worked on.

Now I'm super excited as tightness can become relaxed, like in a body of an older office worker. I want to share these massage therapy methods with other older office desk warriors, like myself.

I always thought that once you're past your 20s or 30s you can't really get stronger or more flexible without very specialized treatment reserved for the Hollywood rich and famous crowd... "its just the way I am" - I had resigned to just having a tighter right side (due to 25 years of computer work). And now with careful and regular body work and self stretches, my right side is getting more pliable and I reach higher and twirl my right shoulder more!  Reaching higher like a phoenix rising from the ashes...or is that the Fee Nicks rising from the desk ;-)


Come and have your desk warrior muscles worked on and share your Fee Nicks story!


I am a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) in CT (Lic # 10014) and provide Therapeutic Massage. I drive to you, with my massage table in the boot of my car. On the first session I’ll assess your needs and make a plan that fits your schedule and goals.

Also, I hold a CT CNA Certification (number NA91298939) and can additionally provide home care help (at a lower rate than massage of course!), see feenicks/homecare-services. Perhaps you have an elderly relative or friend who might need some home care help and would benefit from a small (clothed) back, hand and or foot massage. I can provide combinations of home help with an optional but optimal small massage.


Until we meet, enjoy this website, its information Q&A, magazines... and don't hesitate to contact me and leave a message (as I might be busy with another client).


Thank you !!

Fiona Nicholson   FionaNicholsonLMT@gmail.com
Fee Nicks Massage Therapy